The process to cultivating qi and the dantian is very straight forward and relatively simple. It just takes time and dedication.
The 3 practices needed to activate the dantians ability to store qi, cultivate qi, ground your energy and start to open and fill the channels. Two of them are standing and one is sitting and requires about 40 mins a day.
This first couple of years are laying the groundwork and getting your body ready for the advanced version of neigong taught in the second level and should be done for 1.5 years before learning more.
Further levels will only be offered to those who are in the Discord Group and are included as part of the cost, which means learning the higher level practices are paid for by the time you are ready for them.
The qi cultivated during level 1 will be slowly refined into better quality qi as you progress through the levels.
You can find the next seminar date and sign up link on the Home Page.
The basic neigong taught during level 1 is stopped and a more advanced version is taught. This version both cultivates, stores and starts to refine your qi. This level assists in your ability to move qi around the body and links the movement of qi to the movement of the hands. This part of the practice requires about 40 mins a day.
Leve 2 practices are recommended to be done for 2 years before adding level 3.
This is where you start learning how to compress qi. This allows us to store more qi and further fill channels with qi, enlarge them and open the various gates. Level 3 is done for about a year before adding level 4.
This is the level where you start to enlarge the channels (mainly the MCO) necessary to move qi effortlessly around the body and does take quite some time to complete. Levels 2 to 4 now become your core daily practice for at least a couple of years before more advanced practices are taught.
It takes roughly 5 years to learn all 4 levels which will becomes your core daily practice. Once this training has been done for a couple of years and the required progress is seen more advanced practices are taught to further facilitate qi mobility and density. Once the dantian and qi levels have been developed to the required degree, practices to further progress with internal alchemy will be taught.