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It depends who you ask. For me, there is no noteworthy difference, neigong is a set of practices which form part of Neidan as a whole. Everything I teach would be considered authentic neidan practices.
Most qigong/neigong systems will benefit from learning how to cultivate the dantian. Care should be taken if you practice something like reiki as you progress with my program.
I have directly learned from multiple different high level masters all from different lineages over the years. I don't teach any individual school's system. I have learned various variations to the same core methods used to cultivate and I teach the most effective versions for each stage of development. The core principle of each stage is the same, the practices from different schools have slight variations but are inherently the same.
This is a hard question to answer but it will take at least 10 years of dedicated practice to get there. In most cases it will take much longer with health being the deciding factor.
I personally don't recommend doing neigong for more than 1 hour a day after a few years of practice. You can increase the amount by doing more moving forms or stillness practices if you like, but actively cultivating qi should not be for hours. I tend to only do about 20-40 mins active neigong, then 20-40 mins stillness a day and that works really well for me.
In my experience people who are over 50 but healthy make progress as quick as people in their 20s. Older cultivators are less in their head and this makes a big difference.
I focus strongly on rebuilding health and give the practices and recommendations needed to really get your health moving in the right direction.
The Discord group is where you give feedback on your progress and allows me to judge progress based on how practice is going for you. Further levels requires a certain level of health and progress, if your health isn't at the required level yet, learning level 2 will cause more harm than good. Everything is done in stages and as people are ready for it.
I give advice on health, diet, teach various moving forms (qigong and yijinjing) during our monthly meetings and do my best to help ensure everyone makes progress. Progress for many first comes in the form of restoring health and energy flow and then making progress in cultivation. Health is everything...
Currently meetings are mostly in Europe and Asia, every 3 months for students. Plans are being made to go to the US too, but this has not been confirmed yet.